Friday, August 26, 2011

Did she, or didn't she?

Don't get me wrong--I am all about reading about celebrities and their exciting news, such as who wore what last night, who went out on a date with so and so, who's having a baby, who broke up with get the gist. There are some stories that are just totally pointless though. Case in point: "Did Katie Holmes Get a Wrist Tattoo?" Well if she did, good for her. If she didn't, even better for her. For readers like me: I don't care. It's obvious that there is nothing that important going on in Hollywood today, if a story about a possible wrist tattoo is the leading story on a Friday afternoon. Can't the writers at least come up with something juicy, like that Lindsay Lohan got busted again or that Kim K is already has a baby bump?! (neither of which are true, but one can hope...)

Happy Friday!

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