Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Well I Bless My Soul...

According to msnbc, this week is Elvis Week. I don't know about everyone else, but as I child, I could not get enough of this heartthrob. He was my main squeeze for quite a few years of my life in the early 1990s. According to my memory, Elvis' Golden Records was not only the first tape I had, but also the first CD I had. Apparently, I wanted to be able to listen to him on my walkman and on my discman (but then again, who doesn't??)

With a cover like this one, who wouldn't want to have multiple copies laying around???

Not only did I enjoy listening to Elvis (which in itself is pretty odd for a 6 or 7 year old), I had a dance or two (or three) made up to some of his songs. My all-time favorite is, without a doubt, All Shook Up. For anyone who is unfamiliar with this gem of a song, please go here. If only I had a home video to show everyone my amaaaazzinngg moves! I am 99% sure that I could still do this dance, or at least the majority of it, right now. I still enjoy a plethora of Elvis tunes on my iPod today, so in honor of Elvis Week, I suggest everyone put on their Blue Suede Shoes, find a Hound Dog, go to Heartbreak Hotel, get All Shook Up, and do the Jailhouse Rock!!

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