Thursday, October 27, 2011

Always a good answer

Yesterday evening, I was keeping the nursery at church. I was with the older kids (elementary school aged), so the lead teacher was doing a real lesson with the kids. Before reading the story, she asked the children if they knew anything about either Joshua or Jericho. A few of the kids had some good answers and could remember hearing one of those names before, but none of the kids hit the nail on the head with what the teacher was looking for. So the teacher asked one last time, "Does anyone know something about Joshua and Jericho??" and a little girl eagerly raised her hand and looked like the lightbulb had flipped on and she just knew it. Her answer? One word: "Jesus." First of all, that doesn't even make sense as an answer to the question asked. Second of all, it's wrong. But, it was so cute. The teacher kindly responded that while Jesus was often a really good answer to questions in church, it wasn't the answer this time. I think I will remember this little girl's strategy from now on though...when asked a question in church, just respond with Jesus--even if you're wrong, it's still an acceptable answer!

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